
We’re Teachers… That is, Until the Student Becomes the Teacher.

There’s an old joke: the definition of an accountant is someone who solves a problem you did not know you had in a way you don’t understand. Well there’s no fighting city hall so a problem is a problem whether you know it or we tell you. And we will help solve it, that’s our job. Finally, we love to teach so we’ll avoid the same problem again by explaining exactly what it was and why we did what we did. Many accountants ask you to “trust us” (there’s another old joke about that). Instead, we earn trust not just by implementation, but through ongoing follow-up and monitoring.Book a session with Joaquin ➝

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You are Your Business.

A business is like a child. You nurture it, you praise it, scold it when it does a bad thing. Just like a child, it eventually grows up and has different needs, providing different and hopefully more bounty. We understand this implicitly and how it relates to the state in which your business exists… if only to get it to the next stage of growth. You also probably depend on the business as the lifeblood of your family and employees. So all of those benchmarks and timelines of your family heritage: birth, college, marriage, children, grandchildren, etc…. need to be carefully considered in your financial picture, especially if you have a business that is inexorably tied into the family. We do this through “LifeCycle Planning”, handling both the needs of the extended family and the business in their different stages.


Historians vs. Discoverers.

We’ve been told that one of the most powerful aspects of SG&C is our curiosity. We are different because most accounting firms are historians, steeped in the numbers that exist, proving the math. Conversely, we’re discoverers. We uncover new vistas of opportunities for organizations, many times providing the very numbers that the historians use to record. It’s a case of using leading rather than lagging indicators, thus improving the quality of information for decision makers. The plain truth is that great accounting firms are uniquely skilled to have the highest impact on the health and well-being of their clients. Let us help you discover your real potential in business and shape your future by letting us advise you in ways you have never heard from a typical accounting firm.



Freethinkers for Freethinkers.

It takes a lot to start a business: guts, determination, luck and if you want to grow, a constant commitment to always learning to do better. That’s why SG&C is a good fit for entrepreneurs. Unlike typical accounting firms that take your new entity and just apply rules, we dig for answers, look for passion and calculate the opportunities available to take your business to new levels, while always mindful of balancing this forward-thinking with risk. Plus we understand the need for an interdisciplinary approach to financial issues. That is why we can work on your behalf as part of your team… providing support and guidance to attorneys, financial planners and more.